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Thank You for Purchasing one of our Greatest Magic Show-bags!


In the below video, Sam and Justin will take you through each one of the tricks inside, step-by-step, showing you an example performance as well as explaining the methods of each of the tricks in detail.


There is also the explanation of how to perform a trick with your magic wands that you received for free from the show, and 2 BONUS TRICKS at the end which you can do with everyday objects!


Learn how to learn the tricks in your showbags with example performances and two bonus tricks using things you have at home!

Rising Wand Magic Trick!

You received your very own magic wand in your showbag - with a secret magic trick built into it!


Learn to how to perform this visually impossible feat of magic with your magic wand, which causes it to jump and rise magically in your hand!


Tune in to learn from Sam The Magic Man!

Ball & Box Magic Trick

Onto the third and final magic trick in the show-bag - The Ball & Box!


A stunning, visual piece of magic - and the secret is so simple and smart it will blow you away almost as much as the effect itself!!


Tune in now for Sam to show you, and teach you, this classic piece of magic.

Coin Escape Magic Trick

Onto the second trick from the showbag- The Great Coin Escape!!


Learn this amazing piece of magic using a borrowed coin, impossibly escaping and disappearing right underneath the audience's eyes!


This one will take a bit of practise so watch closely, as Sam The Magic Man teaches you this very impressive piece of magic.

Tips & Tricks!

Now that you have made your way through all of the videos, and have learnt all the methods behind each of the tricks and props in your show-bag; now let Sam and Justin share some secret tips & tricks to help you on your way to becoming a great performer!


Thank you so much for watching the videos, and supporting the show through purchasing a show-bag! Be sure to practise as much as you can and get ready to impress all your friends and family with your brand new sets of skills!


CALL US ON +61 423 913 406





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